I've been dreaming of snowy blonde hair lately. A few years back (somewhere around 12th grade) I said that I would never dye my hair again because it never looks the same color as it did before it was dyed, but I figure my hair is changing colors on its own (hair is suppose to change color and texture every 7 years or something), so maybe I should just take control of my shade myself.
My only worry is the upkeep of such a light shade of hair. I have never professionally dyed my hair, it was always out of a box, but for something so drastic I would not do it myself in the bathroom sink. I just worry that I will look ridiculous when I finally decide to let the color grow out. I guess by my calculations I will probably be ready to chop my hair off again by the time I'm ready for the dye to grow out. Should I take the plunge?
Tu as un look incroyable et très caméléon, j'aime particulièrement la troisième où tu fumes, les yeux sont fantastiques et percutants tu as une forte personnalité à n'en point douter.
Un style unique auquel on aimerait ressembler tellement la personnalité parait forte.
Un style unique auquel on aimerait ressembler tellement la personnalité parait forte.
Je confirme, c'est super bravo.
C'est totalement vrai j'approuve complètement.
Il faut continuer, c'est parfait.
j'adore ce blog tout entier.
Dommage rien de neuf.
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