May 10, 2009


The other afternoon while browsing hulu I came across this ancient Kirsten Dunst flick, Deeply, and decided it needed to be watched. Despite my best inclinations, I continued to spend the rest of my afternoon in bed listening to Kirsten Dunst try to speak with some sort of Irish-Country hybrid accent. It was insanity to say the least, but I couldn't tear my eyes away.

To make up for the horrible acting, I at least had some intriguing wardrobe styling to occupy my visual interests. The movie took place on a semi-abandoned fishing island somewhere near Ireland(??), maybe, and so Dunst was decked out in baggy jeans, suspenders, rugged work boots, knarly knit sweaters, lace dresses, white slips, and some serious mermaid hair. Blonde waves always scream mermaid to me, and there is little better than looking like a mermaid.

KDunst, you always steal my heart no matter how bad your acting can be. Maybe later I will post a little ode to Dunst's best fashion moments.

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