I want to invest in my first designer handbag but I keep finding more and more candidates (or 'dream' candidates more accurately). Heres what I have been looking at lately. I really love Miu Miu handbags..they seem very universal and luxe, but I think the bag is too small for the amount of money it costs. I need a little more space than that. The Alex Wang is truly kick ass and I think I would love it, but $725!?!?! Finally these Rebecca Minkoff Morning After bags are gorgeous leather caryalls. They are certainly practical for day wear, but not useful during a night out on the town. I would however be able to carry my necessities, a sketchbook and my camera...maybe even a change of clothes :)
rebecca minkoff- approx. $595

alexander wang- approx. $725
Source: style.com
While casually rifling through this season's new looks for Fall I figured it wouldn't hurt to delve into the records of Spring runway shows past. I was particularly drawn to this Betsey Johnson collection and it's theme of 'babydolls come to life and ready to par-tay.' Plus I'm a sucker for ruffle socks, sparkles and chain jewelry :)
I love how the girls look like naughty dolls:)
I love the Miu Miu purse the best!
Hope your weekend is going well!
oh i would go for the last of rebecca minkoff! so good!! will you get one of these?? how exciting!!!
love LM xxx
This Betsey Johnson collection is cool!
If I were you I would definitely go for a Rebecca Minkoff:)
Hope you're having a good week-end!
If it was me I would get the rebecca minkoff bag in black croc. Classic and will match with everything.
Vanilla soy milk is the best snack!! anddd thanks for the wonderful comment, I'm happy because we usually have Summer year round but these past few months have been nice and cool 40ºF-50'sºF! =]
I love Betsey Johnson. Her clothes are so fun, that's what it's about. Plus her illustrations rule.
ya I REALLY want a classic burberry trench!! LOVE the Miu Miu. I have that alexander wang bag, its great, no matter how small it is, if you love it and wear it enough, its totally worth it! :)
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