Me outside the show! I'm wearing BDG black jeans, vintage cowboy boots, a vintage mint colored babydoll top, pamela love claw necklace, and a vintage coach bag. Next time I go to photograph a show I'm dressing to the nines!
The one and only Carine Roitfeld! She is gorgeous in person and obliged all the photographers with a photo.
My dream shoes courtesy of Burberry.
Taylor Tomasi (Teen Vogue) had the most amazing red hair...and shoes, and jewelry and trench coat! I believe she was wearing a multi-color Tom Binns necklace.
^^^^The shoes of Taylor Tomasi and Nina Garcia!
Taylor Tomasi and Nina Garcia having a chat before the show.
Emmanuelle Alt! She was wearing an amazing Balmain leather jacket with chains on one shoulder. I saw her again later by the Prada store.
^^^^Kate Lanphear!
I loved all the sequin details I saw outside the show.
Digging these colorful pants.
The most amazing chain detailed suede pants and gorgeous shoes! Wish I knew the owner of these legs.
^^^^the shoes of the Glamour magazine team!
Zhang Zi Yi! She was very fashionably late.
^^^this girl had amazing earrings and shoes!
Awesome pictures, I really enjoyed looking through these. Lots if inspiration there, and I am another sequin enthusiast - loving how many sequin dresses I'm seeing.
You look adorable in that outfit by the way. Especially loving that you're rocking the claw necklace.
Wow, really awesome pictures. I'm so jealous. Amsterdam fashion week is not so exciting, I wish it was..
P.S. Please visit my new blog 'Add some Roitfeld to your life'.
Awesome pictures.You looks great in this outfits.
Fantasme a Deux Collection By Lise Charmel
Thanks for posting all these awesome glam pics!!!! Those Burberry boots just happen to be my fantasy boots at the moment...I've been dreaming about owning a pair!!! I saw them at a boutique in LA recently for about $900... if I had the cash, I'd totally buy them! They're beautiful!
Your photos are amazing!
Seriously all are awesome pictures.
Beauty Blog
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